Zmicier Lukashuk

As early voting begins, Belarusians are allowed to vote for the politicians who withdrew themselves from the election.

Deputy candidate Victar Tsyareshchanka says that administrative resource is used against him and he is about to "just leave it and go away".

Only deputy candidate Tatsyana Karatkevich agreed. Nyaklyaeu, Dzmitryeu and Matskevich refrained from being kissed by the blogger.

Their colleagues Kulinkovich and Vaitsyushkevich do not want to replace them in election centres either.

The office at the address Masherau Ave, 8, which the BPF occupied in 1992-2011, was given to the social protection department of the Soviet district of Minsk.

"Active boycott" is limited to common pickets with those who run in the election and a small number of leaflets.

MPs call candidates' everyday promises a cheap populism.

Deputy contender Yury Hashchavatski has not been able to publish his articles in the state editions "Zvyazda" and "Respublica".

That is why the CEC has forbidden the candidates who also represent other candidates to make speeches on TV.