Amended media law to see changes in second reading - information minister

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"Significant changes' will be introduced into the revised law on mass media between the first and second readings in the paliament, Information Minister Aliaksandr Karlyukevich told Euroradio.

“There will be changes in the draft after the first reading. The changes take into account the propositions from the public and state institutions, including the members of parliament. You will know about these changes literally in several days. A general debate with participation of members of the public will take place on 8 May. I reckon that the proposed amendments in the draft are significant - at least for my office," the minister said.

The House of Representatives passed in the first reading the amended draft of the media law on 19 April. If approved, this edition of the draft increases controls of online media. Among other things, the draft envisages the identification of persons who posts their materials on websites or leave their comments. The members of parliament did not take into account the comments and propositions from the Belarusian Association of Journalists and opposition United Civil party MP Hanna Kanapackaja.

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Information Minister Aliaksandr Karlyukevich at the Media in Belarus exhibition on 3 May 2018 in Minsk/ Euroradio photo