Activists of “Malady Front” detained in Minsk

Activists if an international youth organization “Malady Front” (Czechia) Mikalai Dzemidzenka and Nasta Palazhanka have been detained in Minsk. They are accused of violation of terms of organization of mass actions. “BelaPAN” informs that Nasta Palazhanka was detained on the morning of November 7 when she was leaving home. Mikalai Dzemidzenka was detained in Independence Square not far from St. Symon and Alena Roman-Catholic Church.

The leader of “Malady Front” Zmitser Dashkevich thinks that the detentions may be caused by a civil campaign “Communism – to the mat!” announced by “Malady Front”. Probably, Palazhanka and Dzemidzenka will spend the whole weekend in the Criminal Isolation Center in Akrestsina Street. They will most likely stand trial on Monday, November 9, - added Dashkevich.