Vitsebsk police filming divine service

A divine service in defense of the historic heritage of the city took place at Liberty Square in Vitsebsk on the evening of June 5. The service was held by Father Leanid Akalovich from the Belarusian Orthodox Church. Priests of other confessions did not take part in it but you could see Orthodox Christians, Catholics and Protestants among the forty people who attended it. Our reporter Yadviha Stasheuskaya informs about the actions of the police:

“The police were watching everything that was going there from the very start. One of the uniformed people was openly filming all the present and a police car ready to deliver the detained to the police office was parked at the other side of the square”.

After the divine service representatives of a youth organization “Veras” started collecting signatures for an appeal that will be sent to Vitsebsk authorities and to the Regional Office of Public Prosecutor. The appeal will express a protest against any construction at the site where Mikilaeuski Cathedral used to be situated and will suggest that archaeological excavations should be organized there in order to restore the cathedral in the future.

Photo by Yadviha Stasheuskaya