
Kurapaty. October 30, 2019 / Raman Pratasevich, Euroradio
Kurapaty. October 30, 2019 / Raman Pratasevich, Euroradio
Hundreds of people visited Kurapaty to commemorate the victims of Stalin’s regime on the evening of October 29.
Kurapaty, 29 October 2019 / Roman Pratasevich, Euroradio
Kurapaty, 29 October 2019 / Roman Pratasevich, Euroradio
On 29-30 October 1937, the Soviet secret police executed by shooting over 100 Belarusian intellectuals.
Henadz Davydzka and Syarhei Klishevich have agreed to participate in the debates /,
Henadz Davydzka and Syarhei Klishevich have agreed to participate in the debates /,
The debates between parliamentary candidates will be pre-recorded and broadcast on Belarus 3 state TV channel.
Zmitser Paliyenka at large / Nasta Boika, Euroradio
Zmitser Paliyenka at large / Nasta Boika, Euroradio
He has been sentenced to three years of restricted freedom without imprisonment.
Iryna Dalidovich says in her speech on YouTube she will seek impeachment for President Lukashenka if she is elected an MP.
Vanesa Marskaya-Umenne participated in the Miss Belarus Plus Size pageant /​
Vanesa Marskaya-Umenne participated in the Miss Belarus Plus Size pageant /​
Vanesa Marskaya-Umenne initially planned to represent Belarus at the Plus Size beauty pageant.
Stanislau Drahun scored the only Belarus’ goal agianst Netherlands in a Euro 2020 qualifier /
Stanislau Drahun scored the only Belarus’ goal agianst Netherlands in a Euro 2020 qualifier /
The Belarusian players showed they have a character, Belarus head coach says.
Alyaksandr Lukashenka and Uladzimir Zelenski /
Alyaksandr Lukashenka and Uladzimir Zelenski /
"The tendency to overthrow this government and to put an end to it can already be observed,” he claimed.
Anastasiya Kuzmina  /
Anastasiya Kuzmina  /
She mentioned health problems and the inability to cope with the pace of "normal life".