Sadouski: BCD to appeal justice ministry's decision

Dzianis Sadouski, the coordinator of the Belarusian Christian Democray, told Euroradio that the party has not yet received on official denial of regisration from the Justice Ministry. Nevertheless, the information on the ministry's web site is percieved by party members as official.
According to Sadouski, in their decision, officials repeated almost all previous reasons. He links the behavior of the ministry with the international situation, namely the recent Eastern Partnership summit in Prague:

Sadouski: We link it with the pressure of our international partners on the regime as well as with the meeting in Prague. It was not advantageous for the current regime to deny registration before the summit. Now that the decision has been approved in Prague, the regime can take any decisions it wants.

Sadouski also said the party would seek to appeal the decision in the Supreme Court. The party will discuss its strategy at the National Council on May 23.