Youngster suspected in beating handicapped man misidentified

The incident occurred on January 2. The handicapped man was accompanied by his mother. He asked the young people to let him sit down but they started swearing at him. When he was leaving, the guys attacked him and started beating him with their fists and feet. They left the man on the floor and went out at the station "Victory Square". The attackers were filmed by the observation cameras. Several hours later, links to personal web-pages of people suspected in the offence were published at the web-site of the police project "Interception".

However, Vadzim Zh. has told in an interview to the web-site that his son is mistakenly suspected in beating the handicapped person. The father says that the guy in the video is at least 10 cm taller than his son. He does not have such clothes. Moreover, the guy in the video had beaten his hand in the fight, while Artur's hands are clean from scratches or bruises. 

According to the youngster, he knows Christina R., who was filmed by the observation cameras in the metro. The girl has been summoned to the police on Friday. She is going to tell them that it wasn't Artur who accompanied her, but another guy.

Artur's father says that he will insist that the police should refute the false information and apologize. He says that there already appeared threats against his son in the social networks.

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