Major repairs: Minsk vs Berlin

Hellersdorf is situated in eastern Berlin. Concrete slab building used to be built there before German reunification. Hellersfdorf was a sister district of Minsk Partizan District back then.

The blocks of flats have been rebuilt.

Houses in Hellersdorf

8 billion euro was spent on the repair works. We headed for Hellersdorf to look at a few yards.

There are no cars and you can see flowers everywhere. There are no people in the yards - they are probably at work.

A flat in Hellersdorf

Let's compare the Berlin district to Minsk Partisan District. There are trees and flowers but no major repairs have been conducted here for over 20 years.

A yard in Kazlou Street, Partisan District

I noticed workers in one of the yards. They have been conducting repairs ether... since 2010. 14 blocks of flats are being repaired in Partisan District now.

It takes one week to repair all the flats in one stairwell in Berlin. And it takes a few days to repair the services in one flat in Minsk.

A yard in Hellersdorf

A dog toilet

A Minsk yard in Kazlou Street

Photo 1: Left - Minsk yard, right - Berlin yard

Photo by - Euroradio