Human rights defenders try to find Uladzislau Kavalyou's grave

Human rights defenders and Uladzislau's mother, Lyubou Kavalyova, will try to find his grave and ask for his body.

Raman Kislyak said:

"We are starting a series of legal actions to receive information about his burial place to help Uladzislau Kavalyou's relatives to get his body and bury him. Lyubou Kavalyova will send an appeal to the Punitive Department, KGB and head of the Supreme Court today. She will ask which institution executed her son."

The fact that the case has been considered by the UN Human Rights Committee is not the last action, human rights defenders note. They need to struggle for the decision to be carried out. The next step is finding his burial place.

Uladzislau Kavalyou and Dzmity Kanavalau were shot for the blast in Minsk metro. Kanavalau's relatives are still refusing to talk to journalists.