How to buy an apartment for...$200?


The cheapest apartments in Minsk, according to the information provided by the real estate agency "Your Capital", start at 37,000 dollars.

"37 thousand dollars, an apartment in Shabany district, good transportation. 2-bedroom apartments are 40-45 thousand dollars, while 3-bedroom - more than 60 thousand", - they say in the agency. 

Frankly speaking, 37 thousand dollars is too much for Shabany, but this is the capital. Prices for accommodation in the countryside are different.

I check the web-sites for accommodation advertisements.  One of the first apartments is in Slaugarad, 80 kilometers away from Mahileu. A one bedroom apartment in the city center is sold for 18 thousand dollars.

I look through more ads.

The average price for one-bedroom apartments in small towns - from 10-13 thousand dollars, two-bedroom - from 17 thousand dollars.

The cheapest apartment in the village was suddenly found in Lyakhavichy district. The price is $ 200.

They say in the rural council of the village of Svyatsitsa that there are a lot of empty apartments. No one wants to buy them.

"Do you want to buy an apartment here? There are plenty. I don't know the exact prices, maybe some 200 dollars in the average, but there's nothing there - just a toilet, no central heating".