Consumer credit: They give 10 million and take 1,2 million of extra fees

"Some of the banks include these fees into the interest rates. But it's marketing moves, by which they catch clients. For example, a person sees a low-interest loan and decides to buy. There is one bank, which shows the whole interest rate with the express credit. It is the most profitable, but the sales are the worst. This is marketing,"- says expert of the portal Katsiaryna Smirnova.

And soon, a service charge loan was cancelled ... in Belarusbank. Minus Br 30,000 every month. If the loan is for 5 years, you can save almost $ 2 million.

"I took a consumer credit in the" Priorbank. " I was given a printout, which was simple and "beautiful" - to pay Br 500,000 monthly, in equal shares. And then suddenly, a credit service began to take on more than 80,000 rubles a month, "- a woman complains during the hotline with the National Bank's President Nadzeya Yermakova.

What are those fees for anyway?– Euroradio asks the banks.

"This is the additional income of the bank, for the service of the credit. All banks have such practice. Our administration decided to cancel these fees now", - they confess in the Belarusbank at once.

In addition to the interest fees on the credit you still need to pay for the guarantee. Br 45 thousand for each person. And if the three of them vouch for you, then it is Br 135,000!

Belagroprombank takes no money for the service of the credit, but for the "service of the credit card" - Br 69,000 thousand at a time.  And another 49,000 each month for "service of the credit card until the credit line is open." It seems they take money for the same...

Therefore, if the loan for 10 million is paid for five years, according to the rules, and the card is valid for 2 years beyond – this makes 1.2 million of additional fees! And this is without taking into account the rate of 40% per annum for the consumer credit.

If a credit is taken not on a card, but directly on the account, it is more profitable. Br 5 thousand for opening the account, 15 - for transferring the money to the account, 30 - for consideration of the documents and 50 thousand for the guarantee. In total - Br 100 thousand for a 15-million credit.

At present, the National Bank recommends to abolish the commission fees. However, there are options.

The banks will find what to take money for. And the price for the credit is established by the market anyway. The bankers are not getting poor. For example, the same express crediting, it is a risky business", - explains expert of the portal Katsiaryna Smirnova.

The commission fees on credits is a marketing trick, it gives an opportunity to decrease the interest rate of the credit.

It is interesting what the bankers will invent after abolishment of the commission fees, so that the banks would have "additional income".

Euroradio asked the passers-by what to do if you cannot pay the credit. Please listen to their advice in the poll:

