Brest football fans complain at riot police

"Dynama" Brest fans were outraged by the actions of the riot police during the quarter-final games of the Cup of Belarus, which took place a month ago. "Dynama" players lost to the team "SQUEACH" from Minsk then.

"At the entrance to the sector allocated for Brest fans, - stated in the complaint, - there was personal search, moreover, most of the fans were forced to queue outside in the frost, and the search procedure was humiliating".

The football fans also turn attention to the fact of prohibition of the banner "Dynama Brest, from cradle to cemetery with the name that no one can take away". Also, the riot policemen demanded that the fans should take off the T-shirts with the signs in Belarusian "We are not drunken "bulbashs", we are strong Belarusians!" and "Dynama Brest - my dignity, my life, all that I love and proud of" with no explanations.

"We hope that the reason for this prohibition was dark barbarism of those riot policemen, and not pathological hatred to the mother tongue", - stated in the letter.

The fans believe that the Belarusian Football Federation's service, the so-called stewards, should grant security on the stands. The fans suggest that, during the transitional stage, "These obligations should be put on the subdivisions of the Interior Ministry which are not considered special".

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