Opposition's creativity during elections will be limited to leaflets and posters?

Euroradio explores the creativity of opposition's potential candidates for the upcoming presidential campaign.
A Belarusian tourists recently posted a picture of a billboard with Alexander Milinkevich at the Belarusian-Ukrainian border. Talking to Euroradio, Movement for Freedom deputy chairman Viktar Karnyayenka said it had been an initiative of Milinkvich's supports from across the border. They had picked the site, rented and paid for the billboard. As for their own plans, the PR campaign of Alexander Milinkevich will be usual.

Viktar Karnyayenka: “When the election campaign kicks off, there will be a very usual campaign: two or several TV addresses as a talking head plus leaflets, pickets, etc."

As for creativity, Karnyayenka promised that something new would be used. For instance, he recalled a video showing Milinkevich in a bar watching a World Cup football match.

Vital Rymasheuski reckons that all the funds should be invested in working with people, not expensive billboards. Yet, he promised to post some videos in the internet. But, anything new can hardly be expected. For instance, a meeting with Pope is not planned.

Vital Rymasheuski: “We will kick off our campaign in September. We will also use videos in the internet and audio records. As for billboards at the border, we don't have enough funds to pay for the. But we do have funds to work with people and to convince them so that they reach out to other voters with information about me. We will also focus on the dissemination of information, newspapers and leaflets".

Rymasheuski does not object to his wife Nasta participating in his campaign, if she wishes to do so. Rymasheuski reckons she could be the best first lady.

Different from his colleague from the Belarusian Christian Democracy, United Civil Party deputy chairman Yaraslau Ramanchuk apparently has money. Therefore, he plans to pay for billboards at the border. He also plans an attack on internet users.

Yaraslau Ramanchuk: “We plan to post 10 videos on the internet. I have also been running a video blog on the web site of my research center. There will be active PR campaigns in the press. We also plan posters and billboards at the borders with Poland, Lithuania and Russia”.

In May, Ramanchuk traveled to Warsaw to attend the concert of AC/DC. He regrets that he did not make a video with Angus Young and himslef starring so that he could later use for his presidential campaign. Instead, he is soon planned to speak at the US Congress, to meet with top European bankers in Austria and leading German businessmen and politicians. He is also scheduled to have meetings in Moscow in late August. Ramanchuk plans to tape his meetings and make video clips for the internet.

As for his fiancee Alesya, Ramanchuk says she will join his election campaign only if she wishes to do so and has free time. She is a busy woman. She is an economist and has a responsible job.

Ales Mikhalevich also thinks about billboards. As for creativity, he brings an example of his show on one of the internet radio about China.

Ales Mikhalevich:"I began posting my program on one of the internet radios. It will be a program about China. I also plan to make video clips. This election campaign is interesting, because it will be possible to make personal election funds. This is a new thing for Belarus. We will also work in the field of billboards and external advertising”.

His wife will definitely not take part in his campaign. He says fami;ly should be out of politics.

Popular Front deputy chairman Ryhor Kostusyou is yet to work out his election campaign. Yet, he does not object to using his wife and family during the campaign.