
An activist with the opposition Social Democratic Party was detained when collecting signatures for People's Referendum in Mahilou.

The leader of the United Civil Party comments on the agreement signed by the heads of the two parties’ affiliates in Minsk region.

The Movement for Freedom urges the Belarus Army to revise the priorities in the country's national security concept.

Euroradio checks the terms of opposition leaders at the reign of their parties after Anatol Lyabedzka is again elected as United Civil Party leader.

The BPF Party applied for a street action in support of Ukraine’s territorial integrity and independence near the monument to Taras Shevchenko.

The order was signed by Homel State University rector on May 20.

15 organizations have refused the oppositionists. The congress is supposed to be held on May 31, UCP leader Anatol Lyabedzka told Euroradio.

Euroradio picks at least five potential single opposition candidates for Belarus presidency, but only Nyaklyaeu admits he wants to run.

Head of the public order department of the Belarusian MIA Ivan Kubrakou announced it at a press conference on May 6.