One Belarusian still in captivity in Libya

In autumn of 2011, more than two dozen of the Belarusians, Ukrainians and Russians was captured in Libya. At the time, this Arab country experienced a violent change of power, Muammar Gaddafi was killed, and some foreigners were not able to get out in time. 

In August 2014 the majority of the prisoners were freed. However, not all, explains to Euroradio resident of Sevastopol Syarhei Bychkou who was released from captivity. 

Bychkou: "There still remain five people. One of them is Belarusian. It so happened that when we were running away, we fled in different directions in different cars. They got into the hands of another group from Misrata. Their fate was different."

The man still in captivity is Vyachaslau Kachura. There was information available that he was moving in the  car where they found weapon. This very much complicated the situation. 

According to the prisoners, they were servicing the refining machines. However, many of them were former military personnel. It was not easy to find the released  Belarusians to talk to them.

"They are regular people. But, firstly, we were advised not to open the mouth. Keep silent. Your people are not very talkative anyway, Syarhei Bychkou continues. They do not go public, they are a little in themselves. Even being their friend it is difficult to get any details from them."

In the the social networks photo - Vyachaslau Kachura