non-governmental organization

They had this status for 3,5 years.

Activist of "Young Democrats" Volha Padzeryna was detained on Sunday morning near the military unit and delivered to the Lenin district police department.

Leader of the Social Democratic Party of Germany Sigmar Gabriel sent a letter to Katsiaryna Statkevich, a daughter of the imprisoned ex-presidential candidate.

Forest is one of the most important nature resources of Belarus at present moment. Forest fund makes 9,4 mln HA, or two fifth of the country's territory.

The youngsters declared its bankrupcy.

Former political prisoner Mikita Likhavid, convicted for Square case, has told about confinement conditions in the colony at the press-conference on Sep. 16.

Deputy Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic has told when Europe will start a dialogue with Belarus and who will be invited to "Eastern Partnership" summit.

EP's press-center has informed this.

Representatives of Svetlahorsk enterprise claim that a day off has been announced today and that there are "no disturbances" there now.