More than 2.5 thousand signatures in protest against nuclear power plant construction are collected in Horki District

Representatives of the civil anti-nuclear initiative of Horki District of Mahileu Region have collected more than 2.5 thousand signatures in protest against the construction of a nuclear power plant in Belarus.
Inhabitants of Horki District urge the President, the government and the Parliament to cancel the decision about the construction of a nuclear power plant and to use the money needed for it to create safe technologies of power supply.

According to BelaPAN, the initiators are going to continue collecting signatures until the decision about the construction of a nuclear power plant is cancelled. Activists of the anti-nuclear initiative warn inhabitants about the consequences the construction of a nuclear power plant will cause to people and to the environment while collecting signatures.

Activists are going to start collecting signatures in Mstsislau (Mahileu Region) soon.