Meeting of Milinkevich and Minskers takes place in the sleet

The leader of the steering committee of the Movement “For Freedom” Alyaksandr Milinkevich conducted a meeting with Minskers near the building of the administration of Pershamaiski District of the capital on Tuesday evening.

That is what an organizer of the meeting Yuras Hubarevich told ERB:

“We tried to ask the administration to let the people who gathered near the door in and to conduct the meeting indoors but we did not get permission for it. That is why people had to talk to Alyaksandr Milinkevich in the sleet that has covered Minsk”.

According to Hubarevich, the police were calm. There were no warnings or demands to disperse. Alyaksandr Milinkevich will conduct his next meeting with people in one of Belarusian regions.