KGB arrests Belarus officers spying for Poland

The Belarus's state security agency, KGB, has busted a spy network working for the Polish military intelligence in the territory of Belarus, Viktar Viagera, the deputy chairman of the KGB told the ONT television on Sunday.
Five retired army officers that were collecting intelligence for Poland were detained, he said. A criminal case against retired Maj. Uladzimir Ruskin, the former chief of intelligence at an anti-aircraft missile brigade Viktar Bogdan and officers Karneliuk and Piatkevich from a radiotechnical brigade of anti-aircraft forces .

Russia's army Maj. Yurenia has been summoned to the Russian Fedeal Security Service (FSB). All of the above are charged with spying for foreign special services. Viagera confessed that the data the cell was collecting dealt mainly with the anti-missile system of Belarus and Russia. However, the spies failed to do harm to the defense capability of this country, according to the KGB official.