Homeless painter Valery Lyashkevich opens art exhibition in Homel (photo)

Homeless painter Valery Lyashkevich opened his exhibition in Homel regional cultural centre on March 11. Lyashkevich has been homeless for more than 20 years. He paints, organizes exhibitions in city streets and keeps his belongings in a railway station cloakroom.

The painter attracted attention when he lived in Saint Petersburg. Citizens started helping him and even opened a charity account. A documentary was shot about the painter ad its authors tried raising money to buy him a village house not far from Homel. Part of the sum was collected but it was not enough.

Reproductions and original paintings can be seen at the exhibition in Homel. Valery Lyashkevich talked to visitors and explained the sense of his works at the opening ceremony. Numerous people surrounded the legendary city painter. They wanted to listen to his philosophical antiwar reasoning.