“Capital” from Lyapis Trubetskoy

The Belarusian band Lyapis Trubetskoy on March 19 disseminated in Internet the video after the second radio single titled “Capital” from their new CD.

The video, available in Videos section at the web portal http://vision.rambler.ru, can easily be labeled as an extraordinary and bright experiment by the band.

The video portrays Lyapis Trubetskoy’s frontman Siargej Mikhalok, riding around the world on different animals, which keep transforming into each other throughout clip.

A variety of views ranging from New York skyscrapers to Rome’s Coliseum unfold around the Lyapis’s leader, while state-of-of-the-art jets and space ships are flying above.

During refrain, the leaders of the anti-Capitalist world – Fidel Castro, Hugo Cavez, North Korean leaders, Iran’s Ahmadinejad, Saddam Hussein and Aliaksandr Lukashenka – appear accidentally on the screen. As you understand this is why this song is hardly to appear on the Belarusian TV.

According to the band’s official site, this song will title their new album, which was initially called “The Fat and the Golden Lard”.

“The band would always mock at the contemporary pop-culture, and our parodies would be even more popular than the pop-culture itself. But, it has now become some petty, so we decided to address more global and important topics.

The song “Capital” is not against the money in general. It is against the cult of accumulation and consumption, which has bee imposed in the modern society,” Mikhalok wrote.

“I have a dream of surviving to the moment when it will be shameful to own a mobile phone with diamonds or drive a super posh car. To achieve this dream, we should not resort to restrictions, but to try to understand ourselves and the world around us,” Lyapis Trubetskoy’s leader added.

Courtesy of www.lyapis.com