Call-up papers delivered by sanitary technicians and street cleaners now

“The European Radio for Belarus” got to know about a case when call-up papers were delivered by employees of the housing and communal services department. People who got them and did not come to the military registration and enlistment office used to receive phone calls from the police and were even visited by policemen. Now employees of the housing and communal services department of some districts help the police.

The chief engineer of department #89 Mikalai Karzhou confirmed it:

Karzhou: Our director brings call-up papers from a meeting of heads of all housing and communal services departments. Then the information group distributes them. Street cleaners, masters, sanitary technicians and electricians are among its members.

The Ministry of housing and communal services, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs are unaware of the innovation.

The main industrial control department of housing expressed the idea that it was a personal initiative because departments of housing and communal services and departments of Internal Affairs usually cooperated with each other.

An employee of the department: We are not officially obliged to distribute call-up papers. But the Department of Internal Affairs usually helps us to deal with citizens. So we could do it if they asked. There are schedules according to which employees of departments of housing and communal services visit debtors together with policemen.

Thus, conscripts from the majority of districts who do not show up in military registration and enlistment offices after they have received call-up papers sent by post will receive them from policemen. The head district police officer Anatol Syamashka explained it to us:

Syamashka: We go to a conscript’s address and they get a written warning about the necessity to come to the military registration and enlistment office. After three call-up papers a criminal case can be started.

Our police office received documents necessary to start three criminal cases on Monday. Two more were received in September.