Belarusian Helsinki Committee keeps offices

The Belarusian Helsinki Committee has been allowed to extend for one more year the rental of the current organization's offices on the same conditions, Taccjana Procka, the Chairwoman of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee told the European Radio for Belarus.

In an earlier development, the Office of the President, which owns nealry all commercial offices buildings in the capital, refused to extent the rental agreement. Last Monday, the organization had to leave its premises.

The EU and the United States said that the Belarusian Helsinki Committee promoted the idea of human rights and that it should continue to work in this country if Belarus declares its adherence to the European way of development," Mrs. Procka said.

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"I had an appointment with then chief of the economic department at the Office of the President, Michail Bjaljaeu, who signed a relevant agreement. I believe this is connected with the outcry from the international community over the past several days.