Pavel Sviardlou

The statistic information published on the website of the National Bank testifies to it.

A 50-minutes movie about the happy "Minsk Autumn-2010", December 19 and the present days of our country has been composed of chronicles and photo-reports.

The mourning manifestation is allowed by Minsk City Executive Committee.

Chair of the National Bank has made prognosis of the dollar's rate and explained why Sannikau and Statkevich are still in prison.

The head of the National Bank, Nadzeya Yermakova, is giving a press conference on the day of establishment of the single rouble exchange rate.

However, despite the fact that the dollar exchange rate did not increase at Oct.14 additional session, we have managed to make money on the difference of exchan

Syarhei Kazakou has given a concert and works as a packer, Uladzimir Hamichenka has become a general worker and Aleh Hnedchyk has been fired

Euroradio has found out that Uladzimir Khamichenka is staying at his friend's and has not bought a cell-phone yet.

Orsha Dairy Factory is planning to buy three tank trucks with the money.