Woman and her stepson robbed graves

Kruhlaynski District police have detained criminals who had been stealing metallic crosses from graves. They were a 38-year-old unemployed Mahileu inhabitant and her 15-year-old stepson.

The deputy head of Kruhlyanski District Department of the Interior Alyaksei Ivanou says they stole crosses in the daytime. They approached village cemeteries in their car, chose crosses made of stainless steel, pulled them out, loaded in the car and left.

The woman and the teenager discarded crosses in Mahileu. A grave cross weighs about 10 or 15 kilos and a kilo of scrap metal costs about 4 or 5 thousand rubles.

The criminals have already been accused of having stolen more than a dozen crosses from graves in Kruhlyanski and Byalyanski Districts.
