Vatican Ambassador is wearing embroidery shirt in Minsk (photo fact)

Фотафакт: у Мінску пасол Ватыкана апрануў вышыванку

Vatican Ambassador, archbishop Claudio Gugerotti put on an embroidery shirt in Minsk. He said good-bye to the Belarusian youth on Saturday. He was appointed to the same position in Ukraine by Pope Francis in November (he arrived in Belarus in July 2011).

"This is my last present showing how dear you are to me”, archbishop Claudio Gugerotti said before putting on a national Belarusian shirt. The youth acclaimed him, reports.


Nothing is known about the next papal nuncio in Belarus, Euroradio reported earlier.


Фотафакт: у Мінску пасол Ватыкана апрануў вышыванку
Фотафакт: у Мінску пасол Ватыкана апрануў вышыванку