Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu

Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu has addressed the UN and international human rights organizations.

According to Nyaklyayeu, the complaint is caused by the statements made by numerous defendants at “Dec.19” trials.

The politician has visited Minsk Chervenski Market with journalists.

The awarding ceremony took place not in Polatsk as usual, but in Minsk - the poet is not allowed to leave the city.

Strict verdicts were pronounced to the ex-candidates and the other participants of the Square on May 26.

"However, it is necessary to demonstrate that someone still keeps struggling for their rights in our society”, - says the poet.

Nyaklyaeu is convicted to 2 years of suspended imprisonment. Rymasheuski, Vazniak, Fiaduta and Dzmitryeu - to 2 years of conditional imprisonment.

A trial against the ex-presidential candidate Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu will take place on the appointed date - May 5.