Three dozen people attend Mihas Bashura’s trial

About 30 people are present in the court room. The activist of the “Tell the Truth!” campaign is accused of forging documents to get a credit. He may be imprisoned for three years. The case is being investigated by Minsk Soviet District court. The trial began at 2.30 p.m., Kiryl Paluleh is the judge. Mihas Bashura’s explanation has been presented. A literary man and interpreter Ihar Zhaltkou present at the hearing has informed ERB about it.

Zhaltkou: "Mihas Bashura is being interrogated now. The prosecutor and the lawyer have asked their questions. The sense of his words is that had no reason to do the things he is accused of. He is accused of overstating his income. If he had really wanted to forge it and to commit a crime, he would have understated it”.

Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu and other activists of “Tell the Truth” have come to the hearing.

Let us remind you that Mihas Bashura was detained on August 6. He has been in jail since then – in a colony in Zhodzina at first and then in the detention centre in Valadarski Street.