Editor's Choice

Raman Pratasevich / Euroradio
Raman Pratasevich / Euroradio
The leading journalists have also left.
Russian Ambassador in Minsk Mikhail Babich / kremlin.ru
Russian Ambassador in Minsk Mikhail Babich / kremlin.ru
5 leading non-state media organizations have made a joint decision to boycott Russian envoy's news conference on Crimea.
Belarusians with foreign academic diplomas fear to return to their homeland due to negative publicity.
"Where did you buy this muck?" – "At a Foodstuffs from Belarus grocery."
"Where did you buy this muck?" – "At a Foodstuffs from Belarus grocery."
The characters in the new Russian comedy series use degrading words when talking about Belarus.
Maksim Rudzko was imprisoned 6 months ago. He hoped to be amnestied but was recently reprimanded.
Beauty Run on 8 March 2019 in Minsk / Euroradio
Beauty Run on 8 March 2019 in Minsk / Euroradio
Nearly 5000 women ran in central Minsk to mark Women's Day.
Lyavon Volski / Euroradio
Lyavon Volski / Euroradio
The musician was not surprised at Lukashenka’s interdiction to mark the 101st anniversary of the BNR in the stadium Dynama.
Euroradio's Zmicier Lukashuk getting ready to ask questions.
Euroradio's Zmicier Lukashuk getting ready to ask questions.
The relations with Russia and NATO, the Kurapaty memorial and other things that Lukashenka touched upon replying to Euroradio.
A few minutes before the Big Talk.
A few minutes before the Big Talk.
Euroradio is noting down the main things that Lukashenka is saying.