Solidarity Day in Minsk

Activist Yauhen Afnahel, detained after the opposition's Solidarity Day action in Minsk, has been released without charges (ONLINE+VIDEO)
18.04 A hundred people standing near Academy of Sciences with portraits of missing people

A traditional action of solidarity has started near the Academy of Sciences in Minsk. According to an ERB reporter, about a hundred people holding portraits of the missing and a transparency “We demand an international investigation” are standing along Independence Avenue. The police keep reminding that the action is unauthorized and are urging people to leave.

Andrei Sannikau, Uladzimir Nyalkyayeu, Vіktar Іvashkevіch, Anatol Lyabedzka, a human rights activist Harry Pahanyaila, Mіkalai Halezіn, the head of the Council of Belarusian Intellectuals Uladzіmіr Kolas and others are among the famous participants.

17:57 Police checking personal belongings near exit from underground station “Academy of Sciences”

Policemen in plain clothes are patrolling the territory near the exits from the underground station “Academy of Sciences” and are checking people’s personal belongings. There are no people but for journalists and policemen with cameras in front of the Academy of Sciences now, informs an ERB reporter Zmitser Lukashuk.

Let us remind you that an action dated for the Solidarity Day will take place near the Academy of Sciences at 6 p.m. Its motto will be “We demand to investigate cases of missing people”. Its organizers have not received permission from the authorities so the action if unauthorized.

17:39 Special police troops arrive to opposition action venue

Three buses of special police troops can be found in the yard of the presidium of the National Academy of Sciences now. BelaPAN informs that the action is supposed to take place in front of the Academy of Sciences.

An ambulance is also patrolling the territory. A group of policemen are waiting in the pedestrian subway near the exit from the underground station “Academy of Sciences”.

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