Single mothers and students applying for categorical assistance

But you need a whole month to collect all the necessary documents.

The social protection department of Pershamaiski District of Minsk cannot tell us the exact number of people applying for social assistance. The thing is that it is necessary to spend a month collecting all the needed documents after you appeal for moneyed assistance.

Employee: The month has just started, people are collecting certificates of income and a pile of documents, and you need time to collect them. Do you understand? We send an appeal, then we get a reply and then a commission should be organized. So it will be clear somewhere at the end of January.

By the way, only those whose monthly income is lower that the living wage – 185 thousand 670 roubles – have the right to apply for categorical assistance. But they cannot expect getting a lot of money. If they lack 8 or 10 thousands to make it 185 thousands their assistance will total this sum. According to the employee, there are not many people who can make use of this decree.

Employee: The majority of them are single mothers and families living on the assistance given to the child. Students have just started sending appeals and collecting documents.

After the documents are ready you will have to convince the commission that you really need the assistance. The department of social protection has informed ERB that even a local deputy will be a member of the commission.

Katsyaryna Yarmalaeva, European Radio for Belarus