Russian blogger photographs President’s Administration and KGB (air view)

Russian blogger Dmitri Balakirov has posted photos of Minsk on Livejournal. He made them with the help of a quadcopter carrying a camera, he wrote.

It took him 15 minutes to take the photos, the blogger said. He photographed administrative buildings including the ones that are not allowed to be photographed.

Balakirov liked Minsk a lot – ‘it is spacious and green’.

In the centre – Yanka Kupala Theatre, on the left – Palace of the Republic, on the right – President’s Administration.

Stadium Dynama (reconstruction in process).

On the left – President’s Administration, on the right – President-Hotel.

In the centre – Yanka Kupala Theatre, on the right – President’s Administration.

У цэнтры — Купалаўскі тэатр, справа — Адміністрацыя прэзідэнта.