Roy Medvedev: attack on the Embassy is the revenge for "Godfather"

A famous Russian historian, author of the book about the phenomenon of contemporary Belarus Roy Medvedev considers that it were private persons who attacked the Russian Embassy. This was the way they expressed their disagreement with the informational policy of Moscow towards Minsk, namely, demonstration of the movie "Godfather".

Medvedev: “It is sort of personal response to the NTV TV-shows. These shows are so disgusting that someone could lose their temper. The most likely version is that it was the action of ordinary people, who watched, took offence and decided to declare their protest like that”.

Let us remind you, that on September 2, anarchists took over responsibility for the attack on the Russian Embassy, committed on August 30. According to this version, this was the way they expressed their solidarity with defenders of Himki forest in Moscow.