Stanislau Shushkevich awarded with Liberty Medal

He visited the Memorial to Victims of Communism in Washigton, on March 25 - the Freedom Day, Radio Liberty informs. Shushkevich held a short speech there. He said that 30 of his relatives had become victims of communism. According to Shushkevich, his mother had 11 brothers and sisters, and his father had 10 brothers and sisters. After repressions, only three mother's sisters survived, and a brother and a sister of his father. All the rest died. Besides, Shushkevich's father, writer Stanislau Shushkevich, was also repressed but survived in Siberia.

In the opinion of the Belarusian ex-leader, monuments to victims of both regimes - the fascist and the communist ones - should be installed in Belarus. 

Photo - Radio Liberty