Russian ombudsman watches Syarhei Kavalenka's case

According to the information provided by the web-site of the United Civil Party, Lyabedzka raised two issues at the meeting with the Russian ombudsman - the list of travel banned and Kavalenka's case. According to Lyabedzka, Uladzimir Lukin is watching the case of the Vitsebsk political prisoner and is ready to take any possible and available actions to save his life. Let us remind you, Syarhei Kavalenka has started a hunger strike as a protest against his arrest and the sentence, which he considers unfair. They started feeding him forcibly in the hospital at Vitsebsk correctional colony.

As for the case of the Belarusian travel banned, Lyabedzka promises that an appeal to the human rights commissioner in Russia will be prepared in this regard.

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