“Mozhno!” festival presents new projects to Minskers

The fourth festival of modern Belarusian music “Mozhno!” took place in Minsk cub Re:Public the other day. It was strange that there were no usual participants like “Petli Pristrastiya”, AddisAbeba or “Silver Wedding” in the line-up. However, many new names were discovered during the festival. Alyaksandr Bahdanau, head of the producer centre Bo Promo has always presents the event like “music to your taste”. He adds that he always tried to attract relevant bands that have done something within the year.

Such bands as Wasp'n'Hornet, Svyatlana Ben’s new project "Orchestra of minimalists and dodoists “DoDo” and Rusya’s new electronic project “Shuma” took part in the festival. Rusya confessed after the performance that she had not expected such a success. However, the voice of second vocalist of “Shuma” Nazdeya Chyhunova disappeared from time to time. But it was not the vocalist’s problem – it was an ordinary sound issue in the club Re:Public.

RockerJoker sounded as if they were in the room next door. It happened despite Alyaksandr Bahdanau’s efforts who tried to do everything possible to solve the problem: an electronic stand had been delivered to the club.

By the way the stage was decorated in a new way: the performances were accompanied by 3D projections.

As it usually happens, the crowd started dancing more and more as new bands kept appearing and people stopped paying attention to sound issues. “DoDo” was perceived in different ways. Some people could not distinguish between the new project and “Silver Wedding”. However, Benya refuted the rumours that “DoDo” was to replace “Silver Wedding” that would disappear and added that the band was working on a double disc and the new programme “Music for bugs” that would be presented in spring.

The live part of the festival “Moxhno!” that lasted for almost 10 hours ended with the performance of Botanic Project and “Cassiopeia” that seemed to make all the lazy-bones and tired people stand up. People left in a good mood and kept talking about the next festival “they had to wait for too long”.

Let us remind you that the first festival “Mozhno!” took place in Moscow in 2008. The second one was also organized in Russia and then it arrived in Minsk. Alyaksandr Bahdanau is planning to expand the festival’s geographic limits. Negotiations with Saint Petersburg, Warsaw and Vilnius are being conducted now.