Martynau suggests negotiations with EU

Syarhei Martynau claimed it on air on the TV channel “Belarus-1”. “We have always supported the idea of a dialogue”, - he noted. Our country’s Minister of Foreign Affairs predicts that “the discussion of the discord will not be easy for both sides”. “We are ready to join the negotiations and discuss everything”, - informs ITAR-TASS quoting him.

Let us remind you that the EU’s main term is the release and acquittal of all political prisoners by the official Minsk. Alyaksandr Lukashenka did not exclude last week that those who had pled for mercy could be released.

In the photo: PM Mihail Myasnikovich, head of the President’s Administration Ulazdimir Makei, Foreign Minister Syarhei Martynau and State Secretary of the Security Council Leanid Maltsau. Photo by -