Iryna Halip fears authorities may kill Andrei Sannikau

According to her, the pressure exercised on Sannikau in Babruisk colony is getting more and more intense, reports BelaPAN. The politician is kept in a cell and a TB-patient was put in his cell last week, says Halip. By the way, the TB-patient (Mr.Sanets) was put in Andei Bandarenka’s cell before. He also served his sentence in the colony but was acquitted later.
Halip says that the prisoner was removed from Sannikau’s cell only after a protest. However, another person with “a low status’ was put in the cell instead. The prisoner left the ex-candidate’s cell only after Sannikau had gone on hunger-strike.

The political prisoner’s wife claims that her husband is not allowed to contact his lawyer confidentially.