Femen girls missing since their action near KGB

The information about disappearance of Oleksandra Nemchinova, Ina Shevchenko and Oksana Shachko appeared in the social networks. Let us remind you, the activists of the Ukrainian organization Femen stripped down in the daytime at the stairs of the main KGB office in the Independence Ave in Minsk. The guards came out of the office several minutes later and the girls escaped.  

After the action, the Femen girls were available for several hours, but then they stopped answering their phones, and an hour later their cell phones were switched off. At present, their whereabouts are unknown.

Femen's TV-operator from Australia, who was detained at the action together with Belarusian journalists Julia Darashkevich and Tasiana Haurylchyk, was deported to Vilnius.