Eastern Partnership discusses Belarus

European Commissioner Štefan Füle has mentioned Belarus in his speech. He has highly appreciated the bravery of the Belarusian civil society. According to the European official, the EU will never manage to achieve its goals while it works with the countrirs' governments only in the sphere of economics, forgetting about such values as human rights and freedoms.

He has mentioned the events in Belarus as an example. After the events of December 2010, Štefan Füle has stated, it became evident that cooperation with the government without the civil society had no perspectives.

The European Commissioner has specially noted Byalyatski's case. He has reminded that the European Union condemned the politically motivated sentence to the human rights defender. He has demanded to reconsider the sentence and to stop political harassment of human rights defenders and political activists in Belarus.

Let us remind you, the Eastern Partnership's civil society forum will last till November 30.