BSDP (Assembly) may join "coalition of the six"

Let us remind you, leader of the "Tell the Truth!" campaign Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu told on January 30 that it would be reasonable to include the Belarusian Social-Democratic Party (Assembly) into the "coalition of the six". The ex-candidate reminded that the Social Democrats had just got rid of their former leader Anatol Lyaukovich and were struggling for their existence with the Ministry of Justice.

Iryna Veshtard: "Nyaklyaeu's suggestion, or, rather, notification, caught me unawares. Nevertheless, there was a discussion among the party members...I always thought that people should try to achieve a common position. Unity is always better than disunity".

According to Iryna Veshtard, consultations are planned today in Minsk, and there may be some news in this regard closer to the evening.

At present moment, the coalition of the six consists of the Belarusian Popular Front Party, the United Civil Party, the movement "For Freedom", the BCD steering committee, the civil campaign "Tell the Truth" and the left party "Fair World".