News of Hrodna and Hrodna region

Шпіталізавана 35 чалавек (4 — у рэанімацыі). З Мінска на дапамогу мясцовым медыкам адправілі групу спецыялістаў.
Vaukavysk district court rules to end preventive police supervision for ex-political prisoner Mikalai Autukhovich.
Over a hundred large families had to move into new flats in August 2015.
The police in Hrodna had a day not to forget when the 50 meters-long tower was making its way to the chemical monopoly Azot.
The man will have to pay a fine and will be deprived of his driving licence.
It is strange that the communal service shave not removed it so far. It appeared a few days ago.
Firemen and orphans have turned the local fire tower into a Christmas Tree together.
About 70 people took part in the action organized on December 3.
The exhibition is timed to the 35th anniversary of the regional puppet theater.