Reading of writer Uladzimir Arlou is not allowed in Haradok

A reading of a writer Uladzimir Arlou has been forbidden by Haradok officials (Vitsebsk Region). It was planned for December 20. Our reporter Yadviha Stasheuskaya comes up with details:

“An initiative group of Haradok activists asked the District Department of Culture for permission to conduct the reading. The meeting was supposed to take place in a Haradok library.

But they were refused on the basis of the fact that a reading of Arlou had been planned neither by the Department of Culture nor by local libraries. Mr. Arlou was suggested visiting Haradok next year in autumn in order to take part in “the round table” – a planned official reading.

By the way, initiators of the reading were insulted by the fact that the department replied in Russian and misspelled the writer’s name”.

One of the members of the initiative group Leanid Haravy informed that Arlou’s reading would take place in Haradok anyway. It will be organized in January. The activists are going to lodge an official complaint about the actions of the local Department of Culture to regional authorities.