Raman Yakauleuskі: Economic blockade may follow US sanctions

The crisis in the relations between Belarus and the USA will keep intensifying. An international journalist Raman Yakauleuski predicted in an interview with ERB that an economic blockade could follow the sanctions. "Looking at the behaviour of Lukashenka and Belarusian officials, we can see that the tendency to aggravate the crisis instead of trying to solve the problem is ruling now”, - says Raman Yakauleuski.

In his opinion, the Belarusian leader does not know what the word “compromise” means. The expansion of economic sanctions may result in very bad consequences for our country.

Raman Yakauleuskі: "The fact that the third edition of a special law for Belarus “Act in support of democracy” will be adopted next month (there is no doubt it will be adopted) testifies that it may lead to more severe sanctions and even to an economic blockade”.