Public Prosecutor shows a journalist prints of his phone calls to foreign radio

A Hrodna journalist Yan Roman has been invited to Leninski District Office of Public Prosecutor in Hrodna to give explanations. He described the talk to the deputy Public Prosecutor of Leninski District of Hrodna Alyaksandr Abramovich to ERB:

“I received a warning about cooperation with a foreign radio station without accreditation several months ago. They have presented me several prints of my phone calls to journalists of the Radio Ratsia.

The Public Prosecutor claims that he got the materials from the Regional Office of Public Prosecutor and had to check them”.

The Office of Public Prosecutor claims that “computer specialists” found out that the voice of Roman had been broadcasted by the radio.

The journalist explained that according to the Constitution, being a Belarusian citizen, he had the right to distribute information. So he has refused to testify against himself.

Syarhei Apanovіch, ERB, Hrodna