Presidential contenders submit registration applications (photo+video)

ERB spots presidential contenders submitting documents for their nomination groups' registration in this photo and video report. У апошні дзень рэгістрацыі ініцыятыўных груп прэтэндэнты ў прэзідэнты панеслі спісы сваіх паплечнікаў у Цэнтрвыбаркам з самай раніцы. Першым а 10 гадзіне на плошчы Незалежнасці з’явіўся лідар “Еўрапейскай Беларусі” Андрэй Саннікаў. У спісе — 1831 чалавек. Паводле слоў палітыка, яго самога здзівіла актыўнасць, з якой людзі імкнуліся трапіць у яго групу.

Andrei Sannikov: "The reaction was unexpectedly strong. We will continue gathering signatures, because there is still a possibility to add more lists on Monday. I think we will add. The way how people responded to invitation to become members of my nomination group allws me to say that I am confident that we will gather 100,000 signatures".

Sannikov notes that Alexander Lukashenka is his main contender for Belarusian presidency. As for all other potential candidates, he does not rule out they might find common ground and consolidate forces. At this stage, the more contenders file registration applications with Central Elections Commission, the better.

Andrei Sannikov:
"When (candidates) reach out to people with their problems to talk and seek support, all forces will finally get consolidated".

Immediately after registration, Sannikov told ERB that he was to start raising funds for his campaign.

After the leader of European Belarus, the office of Central Election Commission was quietly visited by Illya Dabratvor, an unemployed psychologist and member of Movement for Freedom from Kalodzishchy near Minsk. He had no excuse to hide away from journalists, despite he had only one person in his nomination group -- himself. The father of four filed his documents to Central Elections Commission as a sign of protest. He said: "It was a protest against some people like that janitor who filed her documents. I decided to use my right to submit my application. But, I don't expect it to be accepted".

Dabratvor said he was not allowed by Movement for Freedom's leadership to file his application as a member of the movement on the grounds that Movement for Freedom does not take part in this election. However, Illya is also a member of Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu's nomination group.

Around 1300, Central Election Commission was visited by lawyer Ales Mikhalevich and Trivium director Dzmitry Us. The former has some 1800 people in his nomination group, while the latter has over 1300.

The next was Ryhor Kastusyou, deputy chairman of Belarusian Popular Front party. He has over 1300 people in his nomination group. They will gather signatures in 84 districts across Belarus.

At 3 p.m. it was Liberal Democratic Party's leader Sergei Haidukevich's turn. He was accompanied by three aides who brought the list of 10484 members of his nomination group. He said that Central Election Commission was finally visited by the strongest contender.

Sergei Haidukevich:
“I will run for the third time. Now, I am very strong. You will be assured now and in several days".

Liberal Democrats leader plans to gather at least on million signatures in his support and is not going to unite with any other candidate. "I will not be surprised that other candidates will unite with Lukashenka against me. I am 100 percent sure!" he said.

He also regretted that opposition's strongest representative Alexander Milinkevich refused to run for presidency. Haidukevich alson stressed there is no Kremlin's favourite in this election.

Photo and video by Zmitser Lukashuk