Popular Front party decides on 40 fellow members

The board of the Party of the Belarusian Popular Front on Saturday decided against excluding the party members that joined the Regions for Freedom faction at the recent Congress of Democratic Forces.  During the congress, over 40 members of the Popular Front supprted Alexander Milinkevich, while Aliaksej Kavalets from the Popular Front even entered the presidium of the Political Council of the Pro-Democracy Forces, representing the Regions for Freedom.

Пра рашэнне ў гэтай справе кіруючага органа Партыі БНФ гаворыць намеснік старшыні Алесь Міхалевіч:

"The people who have entered the Political Council of the United Democratic Forces, the ruling body of the coalition, have been recommended to make a decision about what bodies they are going to join," Ales Mikhalevich, the deputy chairman of the Party of the Belarusian Popular Front.

The board of the party also approved the decision to launch the European March for Freedom campaign.