Pavel Mazheika: Office of Public of Prosecutor gives Hrodna defenders a formal reply

Hrodna Region Office of Public Prosecutor gave an official reply to the complaint of defenders of the Old Town of Hrodna worried about law violations committed during the “reconstruction of the old part of Hrodna”. According to the letter received by the steering committee of the campaign “Let’s save Hrodna”, the  Office of Public Prosecutor sent the appeal to the Regional Executive Committee – the organization against which the complaint had been drawn up. Our reporter Zmitser Tsvikevich describes the reaction of the authors of the appeal:

Zmіtser Tsvіkevіch: “According to one of the campaign’s coordinators Pavel Mazheika, the response of the Office of Public Prosecutor is a formal reply. It turns out that the Regional Executive Committee will have to decide whether it is guilty or not. The term for their reply is also incredibly long – 1.5 weeks from the day it was lodged”.

Let us remind you that the complaint from Hrodna dwellers contained 8 issues pointing at law violations and was provided with documents from the Ministry of Culture and Architecture. Signatures of about 800 people worried about the numerous violations committed during the “reconstruction” were added to it.