Over 50 activists detained on Solidarity Day in Belarus

Over 50 pro-democracy activists were detained on Solidarity Day on July 16 in Minsk and across the country. The list of those arrested includes the representatives of the European Belarus, Youth Front, Young Belarus, Young Democrats. On October Square in the center of the Belarusian capital, police detained Vadzim Zamirouski, a photo correspondent of Belgazeta newspaper.
The action is organized every month on the date of 16th to show solidarity with political prisoners. Currently, Mikalai Autikhovich, Yury Liavonau, Uladzimir Asipenka (the entrepreneurs from Vaukavysk) and Youth Front member Artsiom Dubski are behind bars.

The detentions in Minsk took place near the October Square and Freedom Square as well as on Valadarskaga street. Several youngsters were beaten. All the detainees were released later without charges.

The Charter'97 reports that actions were dispersed in Baranavichy and Vitsebsk. Around 10 people were detained there.