MEP believes sanctions against Belarus will be removed

Latvian MEP Andrei Momykin is convinced that the question of lifting the sanctions against Belarus will be raised in the parliament in September, when MPs return from summer holidays.

Momykin: "Sanctions will be removed. I am convinced that this issue will be on the agenda of the Council of the European Union. I believe that this will be dealt with this fall at the next big meeting, which brings together heads of state, or at least at the Council on Foreign Relations. "

But Mr Momykin says that this process can take a long time. He cites the example of an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program, which was reached in July, but probably only in March all assets abroad will be unfrozen.

On August 22, Alyaksandr Lukashenka pardoned six Belarusian political prisoners, including former presidential candidate Mikalai Statkevich.
